
decided to have some fun: driveable vehicle :)

Started by May 06, 2002 06:33 AM
70 comments, last by RipTorn 22 years, 9 months ago
I though I'd have a bit of fun... as a pet project, I'm still working away on a physics engine I hope to release one day... I used a very old version in my LOTR demo to bounce the ring and such. and I thought just for fun I'd share a demo of it. this is the current version of the test app. version 12. build 3 thousand and something. it simulates a over powered 4wd, with no shocks, running 1m travling suspension, on ice so it's good, clean fun. enjoy. and tell me how it runs. click it doesnt' say, but the mouse controls the camera. and make sure you try the internal view ('C') my next goal is to do rotational suspension.. which, ::cough:: will allow for nice little things like rag doll physics. ohh. and very soon I will have completly elliminated push back. (I've already done this the other day, but it made things a bit jittery, so it's on in this version) this is running at 60hz physics. [edited by - RipTorn on May 10, 2002 6:46:45 AM]
crashed: mfc42.dll error.
Excellent demo, it's got great potential.

Ran well on my work machine:
Athlon xp1600+
512 Mb DDR
GeForce 2 Ti

just wanted to add - well done on the LOTR demo. The physics on the ring looked quite special!

[edited by - dmtsc on May 6, 2002 9:15:34 AM]
That''s excellent. I''m very impressed.
Chess is played by three people. Two people play the game; the third provides moral support for the pawns. The object of the game is to kill your opponent by flinging captured pieces at his head. Since the only piece that can be killed is a pawn, the two armies agree to meet in a pawn-infested area (or even a pawn shop) and kill as many pawns as possible in the crossfire. If the game goes on for an hour, one player may legally attempt to gouge out the other player's eyes with his King.
I can remember ages ago i downlaoded an early version of this demo, I was amazed. Now i find this newly released demo and all i can say is WOW those physics realy are something, the newly added dirt trail make it even more kool too ...well done

i wish i could code something the kool :/

currently i am programming a small gl raceing game, well trying...
i have created a fileformat from which i load levels/models, made a test track and added a test car which can move
Though its movement is very well extremly limited it can move forward/up & down BUT it doesn''t move it the direction is faceing. I have know idea where to start to overcome this problem.. anyideas are very wellcome

Anyways i found no problems with your kool demo it runs perfectly on my system:

256DDR ram
geforce 3 Ti 200

I noticed your website link too, i had a look and the demos on your site are also very impressive. You must of been useing opengl for years to create demos soo good, nice1

-= ReDeeMeR =-
Original post by gl_ReDeeMeR
I can remember ages ago i downlaoded an early version of this demo, I was amazed. Now i find this newly released demo and all i can say is WOW those physics realy are something, the newly added dirt trail make it even more kool too ...well done

Here here. A little bit too much oversteer, but otherwise just muahhhh. System specs:

AthlonXP 1600+
RivaTNT 2

the engine ran just fine.

I especially liked the noise in the gound that made the ''car'' shake like a real racecar.

BTW - is driving out of the map boundaries supposed to fling me to speed 500+ kph?!?

Can''t wait for build 6000 - well done

"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
Awesome demo mate running perfect on a P4 1300 mhz / GF2 / 384mb

just 1 thingy when i go VERY fast (150mph) and i get to a steep point and i crash it keeps gaining speed when you drop out of the map (i was up to 4500mph when i pressed esc)

really good work i admire it
Works great here, on a Duron 800, 256mbram, tnt2 16mb and an Athlon 1.2, 256mbram, Gforce2 32mb, both running ME

It is amazing, keep up the great work!!!!!
heh thanks

i can't for the life of me know why windows wouldn't have mfc42.dll included.. unless it was win95... strange.

I noticed a couple of bugs, now I look over it (posted that at midnight local time ) - but nothing serious.. 1 being the menu doesn't reload stuff right.

I wasn't expecting anyone to have issues running it.. I've had it running at 7fps on a cyrix-233 with NO 3d card...

the dust trails are pretty cheap. I added them when trying out putting rockets on the car - because of the way I worked the 'engine' creating the particle is a 4 line thing (plus object code). So I could have gone nuts if I wanted to.

The thing about driving off the map is that the map is just a polygonal object... and thats all the engine treats it as... It could have been anything, and you could drive over it - just when you fall off, there is nothing to hit, so you keep falling.

a friend used an old gravity hack I had in to get it going at warp 9:

(the hack is still there, page up and down change gravity )

[edited by - RipTorn on May 6, 2002 9:35:20 PM]
Ops. just realised the momentum calculations were predicting that gravity will be applied nromally.. so the gravity hack will likly cause some weird bugs in the physics..

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