
People...please, settle and praise NeHe

Started by May 05, 2002 01:28 PM
0 comments, last by makoweb 22 years, 9 months ago
I dunno about you guys, but NeHe is BY FAR the best free opengl site i''ve found on the web. In fact, practically every other decent site charges money for their "secrets." Not only does nehe provide invaluable OpenGL techniques and support for both beginners and masters alike, but he also does "fun" things like contests. The point is that he doesn''t make a lot of money. If you''ve paid attention to his news posts, his entire family is struggling financially (and emotionally/physically) and it seems like he devots tons of free time to maintaining this site. This site is truly a labor of love -- not a greedy commerialistic scheme. And what does he really receive for his efforts; a few cd orders, a couple thanks, and purportedely a TON of bitching...esp about the contests. People, settle. Several times when I''ve read nehe''s reactions to people''s complaints I''ve thought "Well, this is it. He''s had the last straw and is just gonna pack up and leave," but no, nehe''s amazing resilence keeps him coming back. So, for all those that use the site and are able, (people that win $400 prizes esp) give a little moola to a great resource. If nothing else, give thanks for all it''s done (I used code to win my college programming class'' contest) and if your demo doesn''t get picked or nehe won''t stretch the rules for you, accept it and strive to be better next time. After all, nehe''s just doing it for the love of programming, isn''t it time we give him some back before he packs up and leaves?
heh...should look round a bit before i shoot off. but this is the kinda stuff i''m talking about.

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