
It compiles, it links, why don't it execute!!

Started by May 05, 2002 07:28 AM
10 comments, last by mmarshall 22 years, 9 months ago
When odd things happen that cannot be explained it is often a *very* good idea to smoke the whole build ( objs, ilks, exps, etc.. all intermediate files ) and then rebuild from scratch. Force the issue and manually do it JIC. Often when doing debugging like you are you will comment out something that remains in an obj file but no longer "really" exists. This can create some of the most confusing debug sessions - often comfusing the debugger. If you work with dlls/libraries this increases the difficulty.

Just thought I''d pass that along. I found that God answers all my programming prayers but the answer is usually no!!

Well, personally I think i know more about programmign than GOD and I always rebuild my proejct after major changes, or even little changes sometimes, especially if I get alot of errors or errors i dont understand. Usually it fixes them.

BTW: I have never compiled a "Hello world Program" How ever, i have compiled a "Good by cruel world" program Thanks to Dan Gooken and the C for Dummies Book (2nd edition) lol!

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