
Hello everybody and need some help

Started by May 03, 2002 06:04 AM
4 comments, last by Levelworm 22 years, 10 months ago
Hello! I'm a colloge student(age nearly 20)who want to make his own games.I'vde checked out the for beginners coloum in this site and I still need some suggestion. Since I'm not major in Computer Science,I nearly know nothing about programming(let alone solid knowledge of computer achetecher and math),so I plan to begin with making mods for other games(I like halflife,quake,sc),which is said to be an easy way. Then yesterday I read an article about making games,in which says that you can make mods for hobby but shall learn to program to be a proffesional designer,so I was confused. Question:Shall I continue my modding or go to learn computer science? I really want to make great games,so plz help me. Thanks!Any suggestion is good, A curious boy [edited by - Levelworm on May 3, 2002 7:09:35 AM]
A curious boy
Going and learning computer science does not teach you to program. Only studying programming and actually programming can teach you to program. That doesn''t mean computer science isn''t useful. IMO, you should go and study CS, and continue programming as a hobby. They''re not mutually exclusive.

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Then what about maths and other base things?
I heard that they are the most imprtant.
Like algorism,etc.
BTW,shall I stop my modding?It's also fun.

[edited by - Levelworm on May 3, 2002 8:27:58 AM]
A curious boy
Why stop doing something that is fun? It is extremely rare that you will get a job in the game industry just by making mods. I have only heard of one incedent. But, making mods at the same time as learning programming can only help. It will give you an idea of how level design works.

Make it work.
Make it fast.

"Commmmpuuuuterrrr.." --Scotty Star Trek IV:The Voyage Home
"None of us learn in a vacuum; we all stand on the shoulders of giants such as Wirth and Knuth and thousands of others. Lend your shoulders to building the future!" - Michael Abrash[][The Java Tutorial][Slick][LWJGL][LWJGL Tutorials for NeHe][LWJGL Wiki][jMonkey Engine]''re right,indeed.
I''ll back to make my mod,while spending time learning programming and other things.
A curious boy
There are a lot of people who got their first taste of programming by make Quake mods. I remember Carmack once saying that he was embarressed that QuakeC was some programmer''s first language.

Mods are a fine start. Especially if you are having fun with it. Learn the math when it''s convienent. You''re in college, just take some math classes. Take an intro level programming class, just to get your feet wet. Find out what you like, and where your strengths are. You are at the most flexible time of your life, make that work for you.

Take care,

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