
about Tutorial 32 and also about textures

Started by May 01, 2002 02:42 PM
1 comment, last by leggyguy 22 years, 9 months ago
I have been going through tuturial 32 (the tutorial where we load a milkshape model into our program). I understand the code, and the things this tutorial has tuaght me are great. I can see these things being the basis for my continued learning in opengl. However, I have one problem. When I use my own milkshape model in the program, i get no textures. My model comes with a texture (one or two have several). But when my model is loaded into the tutorials code instead of the original model, no texture appears. Instead I get my model in white. Now I think this means my textures are somehow lost to the program, but I am not sure how, why, or how to stop this. I have done a search of the forum, and this problem was brought up before, and someone said this was a known issue, but no one explained how to remedy this. Can anyone help me here? It would be great if someone could. JFYI, the model which comes with the tutorial''s source code works fine in the program. It is just new models that don''t.
This should be a FAQ!

The corrected code is available at However I recently discovered I left out one of the files, so you''ll need Model.cpp from NeHe''s archive. I must correct this soon.

Once I fix that I''ll remind NeHe again to repost it cause I get this a lot and it no doubt causes frustration for downloaders.

At my site, there is also a tut on skeletal animation, and a library that has both that and shadowed rendering of models.


Brett Porter
PortaLib3D : A portable 3D game/demo libary for OpenGL
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~~~Cheers!Brett PorterPortaLib3D : A portable 3D game/demo libary for OpenGLCommunity Service Announcement: Read How to ask questions the smart way before posting!
Brett, thankyou very much.

Fantastic work, really is helping me carry on further in OpenGL.

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