

Started by May 01, 2002 10:59 AM
18 comments, last by catfoodgood 22 years, 10 months ago
Hey everybody, I know this has come up before, but I want to get an updated view from some people who have taken classes at the Post your opinion of how it went, which class it was, who your instructor was etc.
I took the "Game Mathmatics" class, taught by John De Goes. I thought that parts were rushed over. Very little of it actually had much bearing on game development (ie, it was a straight math class) until the very end, but that was actually alright with me. There was almost no activity in the forums.

All in all, it was a decent experience. I don''t know if I would take another one though.

Take care,
Do they cost money?


Wachar's Eternity <-<-<-<-<- Me own site!
It''s an online course costing money? Ok...about how much for a course?


Wachar's Eternity <-<-<-<-<- Me own site! , Wachar, you just said you weren''t going to do this anymore in the other post we were in.
Depends on the course you take. It ranges between 50-100 dollars. Check them for yourself. I think i might do it.. WTF ya know? couldn''t hurt, and i might actually learn something
------------------------------------------VOTE Patrick O'GradyWrite in Presidential CandidateThe Candidate who Cares.
This is a good review of them, but I wanted to hear some more opinions.

[edited by - catfoodgood on May 1, 2002 4:27:19 PM]
I am enrolled in the intro to C++ class currently. Someone else said a class was rushed that he took. I feel the same way. Also, although the advertisements claim that the class is also for beginners, don''t be fooled. You really have to know some C++ before ever taking this class. The chat rooms are not very useful because the instructor doesn''t even try to exercise any control on the discussions and everyone just talks about the particular games they are working on, not the class or the lesson for the week. You are probably better off buying one of the Premier Press books edited by Andre'' LaMothe.
What about it made you feel that it was rushed?
------------------------------------------VOTE Patrick O'GradyWrite in Presidential CandidateThe Candidate who Cares.

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