

Started by April 30, 2002 07:36 PM
3 comments, last by Kiroke 22 years, 9 months ago
Hey guys, I just got a job and I will have to deal with some MFC code. I know this is one of the best forums around to post OpenGL questions, and I''d like to know if you guys have a good forum like this for MFC or programmation in general. Making a research on google will only give me forums, but I want good ones :-) Dont worry this will remain my favorite GL forum :-) Thx alot for your help, Kiroke
Seems rather odd. but ohh well.
the Visual C++ 6 Unleashed will give you the beef on MFC. Or just goto msdn.

[edited by - RipTorn on April 30, 2002 8:40:15 PM]
Try this forum. Lots of people here know their way around MFC.
K thx ill try that one :-)

Kiroke has great forums for a lot of stuff besides OpenGL. Almost any question I have asked about DirectX, C++, or the Win32 API has been responded too, and most helped me a lot. There are lots of highly competent programmers on this forum that know lots of stuff besides OpenGL. I post all my Win32 questions on the General Programming forum, and that would probably be the place for MFC, too. Good luck!

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