
NeHe tuts down?

Started by April 29, 2002 06:41 PM
1 comment, last by Palidine 22 years, 10 months ago
hey, i''m getting 404 errors for all the links to the NeHe tuts in the Forums section. is there a temporary outage or have they been moved? sorry if an announcement was made in the last couple days, i''ve been away for a little while. -me
yeah, I don''t really follow the site, but there was post a day or two ago where a guy asked a similar question (it was actually about content being missing). anyway, nehe said the site would be sort of "out of order" because he was rearranging and fixing stuff. probably won''t be that long...


it looks like they just changed the naming conventions of the .asp pages. going directly from and getting the articles works fine.

they changed from a lessonx.asp to lesson.asp?l=X naming convention.

sounds like an architectural redesign. cool.


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