
How can i bind texture in AVI tutorial?

Started by April 27, 2002 05:11 AM
1 comment, last by faizeq 22 years, 10 months ago
Ive read go through the AVI tutorials in Nehe''s but im currently stuck in achieving texturing based task.. it seems that all of my texture are bind together with the avi .. huh how come.?? Are there any way to remedy this problems.. i do notice that in the tutorial there are an explanation that i should bind it... But how.. it aint no bmp file... can someone help..? pweassse Faizeqs
Ive encountered this problem before, ill email you the code in a text file.
I created an avi class, hope it helps.
Cool... Thank you ... thank you...
I ll get cracking with it...
Thanks llvllatrix

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