
Borland 5.01 and Textures

Started by April 23, 2002 04:03 PM
2 comments, last by iborg2000 22 years, 10 months ago
I Nedd help with Borland 5.01 and Open GL. If i uses glBindTexture or glGenTextures a get the error unresolved external. Can anybody help me????? Please.....
You have OpenGL 1.0, you need at least 1.1. Get new OpenGL headers and use implib to get new libraries from the Windows OpenGL DLL''s. Look on for a link to the Windows headers (the libraries that come in that package do not work in Borland, that''s why you must make your own).

I have a copy of Borland C++ 5.01 and could never get it workign with OpenGL so i had to purchase a copy of Visual C++ 6 before i could use textures. I had exactly the same problem that you are having!
I have a copy of Borland C++ 5.0, and had no problem using OpenGL 1.1 after I followed the instructions I gave.

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