

Started by March 06, 2000 01:17 AM
59 comments, last by Zombie 24 years, 5 months ago
I''d like to be called a nerd , but the real truth is people (including other nerds) never call me a nerd . Hhhm could it be because I have 3 black belts in 3 exotic martial arts.


I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Ha, my nickname is more well known as what i do. "Chuck." I got this from my gym teacher, my last name is mansen. Think about that for a little while. I am in 7th grade, and most 8th graders treat me with respect, not because I program, but because my nickname is "Chuck."

so Altair, aka "Chuck", does this mean you have a cult of people who follow you religiously, accept your word as ultimate truth, and kill people for you? i''ve never heard him called Chuck before.. Charles, or Charlie, but never Chuck.. or perhaps you vomit on people..
the respect of morons is worthless.. self respect is what matters most, and respect from your true peers is good also..
Personally, I usually describe myself as a geek. It never seems to be a problem though Where I am, being a geek is a good thing.

Look... it takes 264 muscles to frown... BUT, only 7 muscles to raise your hand and slap that b*tch upside the head!

I'm not gonna lie- I'm in more of the popular crowd, but I really don't believe that HS is about image. it's about how you act, and your personality. You'll see some the ugliest people in the popular crowd, and that just proves that it's image. If you're being called a nerd, then you need to open up and express yourself more by talking to 'them'. Really- if you talk to the cool people, they will talk back and you'll eventually become friends. It aint hard!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)

Edited by - Fredric on 3/6/00 3:36:15 PM
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
To tell you the truth, its really sad to be called a nerd/geek. But also, if you think about it, all the solitation related to programming/writing does make someone a recluse. I am NOT trying to start any flaming wars here or anything... just saying what I think.

I have been scorned at by some of the cooler people, harassed for not being as jocky as some were. Before, in middle school, I was a normal middle schooler. I had friends too, I used to hang out with them, I used to hate sitting at home, etc.

But when I got a computer and VB, I started getting out of touch with the society by the day. My friends don''t like me now. The only friends I got are the select few at school, and the ones that don''t know me (new people) at school. Once they find out about me, they''re gone too.

I couldn''t be called a nerd because I didn''t do well in school until the end of my soph year (3.1 of 4.3 GPA). Because I couldn''t control myself w/ programming. It really wreaked havoc in my house--my parents started getting worried about my grades and social life, I got worried, etc. Its really a hell. Now, my studies are back on track... so far in Junior year, I have a 4.03 of 4.3 GPA. But averaged together w/ GPA before, I have like 3.3/3.4 GPA. Sucks!!

Whats my final point? Well, I WISH that my parents were more stricter. I wish that they didn''t let me sit on the computer and loose my friends and social life (not to mention the mental conflict with being called a dork, geek, etc.)

My suggestion to you, is UNLESS you''re in college, don''t start sitting and programming. Because I know this stuff... its just like Marijuana, cigarettes, drinking, etc. It grabs you in, make you give up your social life, and will give you MORE problems than it solves.

You might, by this point, be thinking I am a yahoo, just making this big long story. But would I make up this big of a story wasting my time? Trust me, I KNOW some of you feel the same way I am. Especially the high schoolers. DON''T let this be you. Computers (don''t wanna start a flame war), has RUINED my social life, and gave me TWO years of ABSOLUTE HELL at school. (Imagine being called a dork and made fun of by most)!

Start programming once you''re in college--you can learn it then. I might seem cynical, but the solution is simple to all your problems--stay away from computers.

I don''t want to seem like someone better than you. If it makes you happy, think of me as a person lower than you. But trust me--playing a sport in high school doesn''t really imply that he/she is going to go to McDonalds. Neither does programming at such a young age help you earn a living (especially game programming, unless your game is REALLY good).

No wars, please...
- I don''t wanna be a dork/geek no more...
I posted my opinion here already, but there''s something else I''d like to add.
Here''s a little background story. I was standing near the bus stop waiting for my friend, and the bust came. There was a guy in a wheelchair (he had no legs) that had to get on the bus. As far as rules go, the bus driver must open the back door for him first, then open the front door for others to get on. It took about 5 minutes for the guy in a wheelcheer to get on. The crowd hated him, because noone gave a damn, everyone just wanted to get on a bus and leave. And here''s what I remember myself think: "Yesterday he was an american hero in vietnam war. Today he has no legs and everyone hates him, because he slows down the bus. Tomorrow he might become a senator and everyone will love him. And the day after tomorrow someone will say something bad about him, and everyone will consider him a criminal".
I know it''s a bad analogy, but everything changes. And a crowd''s always a crowd. Today they call you a nerd, tomorrow they''ll be talking about you because you made some cool game, and the day after tomorrow they''ll be screaming at you again. The only thing that matters is your self-respect, and hopefully respect of the few, but very important people in your life.
Being a nerd is cool. Denying it, suck!
"There's always another way around"
Ok, this topic seems to be taking a lot of my attention

This is a reply to anonimous poster.

Dude, everything u''re saying is crap. There is no reason computers should ruin your life. Sometimes I prefer to sit home and play around with the computer, instead of going out with my friends, but I am not loosing my friends because of that. Also, there is no reason for your grades to fall.

I remember earlier, I considered computers a center of the universe with the planets orbiting around it. But that''s because I was very young. As long as you understand that computers aren''t the most important thing in the world, you should be fine.
Hello all!

I don''t like being called a "NERD" i prefer to be called a "GEEK"! At school i have an assortment of friends they mostly fall in two catagries!

1) Geeks (computer users)
2) Freeks (were Black all and smoke pot)
(most of the freeks think i am going to be a millionare when i graduate from high schooL!)
So you can be a geek or nerd if you prefer and still have many differnt type of friends. You should not care what the others think of you!!! Hey i accept that i am a geek and i don''t care!!


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