
map loading

Started by April 23, 2002 02:57 AM
0 comments, last by cerberus07 22 years, 10 months ago
I downloaded a tutorial from and he used a map file that just contained a list of vertices. His function read the file, counted the vertices and then created polygons with each set of three vertices. The EXE that came with his tutorial worked fine but when i used the function with the way NeHe creates the OpenGL window it compiled fine but the program crashed when i ran it. Is there anyone that i can send my code to who could possibly tell me what i did wrong or could anyone download the tutorial at on Camera World Collision and try to use his map loading code and tell me where i went wrong? Thanks.
I''m not planning to go through your code, but NeHe has a map loading and displaying tutorial which works fine. Read that and compare it to your Camera World Collide code.

- An eye for an eye will make the world go blind -

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