
Okay, my game idea/game in progress.

Started by April 22, 2002 05:06 PM
1 comment, last by Codejoy 22 years, 8 months ago
So after dropping one of my old game projects dubbed "Airgolf" because I realized it wasn''t really fun, it was more like me having fun with bad physics. In either case here is my new idea, I am just curious what people think of it: (this isn''t a formal design doc) "Bomb Squad" This game is loosely based on the old old intellivision based puzzle/voice game of the same name. The idea was you had a computer board with different "chips" on it that had to be replaced in a certain order ala'' simon says, of course since this was a bomb u were defusing there was alimited time. You had several tools you used to replace the parts: Wire Snips to cut the chips from the board, Pliers to move the chips to the trash and pick up a new chip and place it in the right place, then a soldering gun to reattach the chip. That was pretty much the game plus minus some detail. My idea is to incorperate that using much updated graphics, and also adding new elemtns to it, primarily an action/puzzler sequence where you have a little character that has to make it to the bombs, in order to make it to the bomb u have to shoot some terriorists in the way and move boxes around like in Boxxel (I think that was the name of it). And then once you were at the bomb you would do as describe above of disarming it. On to something here? I guess the genre would be action puzzler. Let me know if anyone has any thoughts or yeas or nays. I thought bomb squad for the old intellivison was fun and could use a good remake with a bit more action. Im open to suggestions and comments -Shane
good idea. Keep the game simple and actually finish it and you will be ahead of 90% of the poeple in the world.

Build from one project to the next until you are comfortable with the lessons you have learned from your last project.

Just finish something, anything and you will be in good shape for the next step.


Game Designer/Producer -(unannounced project)
Former Designer and Producer of Starfleet Command II and Orion Pirates
Game Designer/Producer -(unannounced project)Former Designer and Producer of Starfleet Command II and Orion Pirates
Thanks for the post. yes sticking with game is important I actually finished two: A stupid pong clone using windows game programming for dummies (it was fun and done) and long ago I hacked the "Creating Turbo C++ games" to create a shadowgate rip off. Fun project, hard (used it to learn C++ sorta, actually just hacked it big time with little or no c/c++ knowledge<-it was insane). Oh well. This project im excited about, just figuring out pallete problems then im off....

Thanks again for the input.

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