
lesson 6 - multi texture question

Started by April 21, 2002 08:50 AM
6 comments, last by s_cloudx 22 years, 10 months ago
I''m having trouble with lesson 6 on nehe''s tutorial. On the code where you declare the texture, nehe didn''t say how to load 2 different texture. His tutorial only specify on one texture. Can someone please help?
--------------------------Sony "Mr. Valdez" Technical - the breeding ground of the Filipino Computer Talents
have a look at some of the later tutorials. I assume you mean load two textures, then use one for one set of polys and another for another set. Multitexturing - putting more than one texture on the same poly is more complex .

Baldur K
"Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"
Original post by baldurk
have a look at some of the later tutorials. I assume you mean load two textures, then use one for one set of polys and another for another set. Multitexturing - putting more than one texture on the same poly is more complex .

Baldur K
"Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"

Oh! I thought that i was doing something wrong when I tried to put two different texture on the face and side cube. Do I have to learn Multitexturing to do what I want?

[edited by - s_cloudx on April 21, 2002 10:27:50 AM]
--------------------------Sony "Mr. Valdez" Technical - the breeding ground of the Filipino Computer Talents
No, I meant that you can load textures and use them on different polygons easily, but putting two textures on one polygon is hard .

Baldur K
"Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"
I'll be a little more specific. I want the cube to have different faces (sorta like a rubik cube but with pictures). Do I have to read the other tutorials, or can I do it now (just by modifiying the code)? (don't wanna rush ahead without understanding each tutorial first)

[edited by - s_cloudx on April 21, 2002 10:33:19 AM]
--------------------------Sony "Mr. Valdez" Technical - the breeding ground of the Filipino Computer Talents
Original post by baldurk
but putting two textures on one polygon is hard .

I wouldnt call it hard, you just enable texturing for both texture units, bind the textures, and specify 2 sets of texture coordinates. Pretty much twice of everything you do for normal texturing, just doing it once for each TMU

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-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
you don''t have to look at any other tutorials, I just said that because I don''t have code off-hand to load and bind 2 textures. Fiddle around, working simple stuff like this out is what makes you a good programmer.

Baldur K
"Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"
nevermind. I just found out this morning (a good night sleep will do wonders!).

anyway, thanks for the help everyone! appreciated!

Edit: Removed my code and explanation. AFTER having my coffee, i couldn't make sense out of it. ACKK, who cares. i got it working anyway. :D

[edited by - s_cloudx on April 21, 2002 9:55:18 PM]
--------------------------Sony "Mr. Valdez" Technical - the breeding ground of the Filipino Computer Talents

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