
Camera Movement

Started by April 21, 2002 02:04 AM
0 comments, last by FERNANDO-BRASIL 22 years, 10 months ago
Hi guys! I''m trying to do some camera movements, and I''m having a problem. I want to move the camera in space by informing ANGLEX, ANGLEY, ANGLEZ and a DISTANCE. For example. Let''s say I have a camera stopped at POSX = 0, POSY = 0 and it have to walk 10 Kilometers in a Angle of 50º. Since it were 2D, it''s quicly easy. You have to do something like this: posx = cos((50 * PI) / 180) * 10; posy = sin((50 * PI) / 180) * 10; With this you''ll get the new Camera position.... But How Do I do this in a 3D world (with POSX, POSY, POSZ and ANGLEX, ANGLEY, ANGLEZ and a DISTANCE)? Is there a specific formula to do that, or I''ll have to try a combination of the formula I passed ? Thank you guys! Any help will be mutch apreciated! Fernando
look into quanternions. there are nice tutorials on this topic at gamedev and flipcode

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You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

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