
Particle Problem

Started by April 19, 2002 09:47 PM
7 comments, last by unknownfriend 22 years, 10 months ago
When ever I veiw a demo, the particles in the demo have a grey tranlucent square around them. I never had this problem before. I am pretty sure that my video card and driver is good enough because this is the first time in 2 years this happened. What can I do to fix this?
Little girl sees her mom taking a bath. Little girl asks: What is that? Mom says: That is a vagina. Little girl asks: When will I get one of those? Mom says: When you grow up. Little girl sees her dad come out of the shower. Little girl asks: What is that? Dad replies: That is a penis. Little girl asks: when will I get one of those? Dad replies: As soon as your mom goes to work.
How is that reply of any relevance to the post?
--------------------------------------------------------------If it sounds like a good idea, do it. It is much harder to get permission than it is to apologize.
pretty sick joke :-(
Tisk tisk, is it just me, or do we have some sick minded kids (I sure hope they are kids.) around here lately. . . ?
NeHe_Lover or any moderator here, can''t you delete that stupid ''joke'' ? damn sick people. Gamedev should have an option to filter ''bad'' words, that would help sometimes.
"Shadow of annoyance Ne''er come hither! ...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer, Ne''er to ascend again..."
I was pretty happy when I saw all those posts. Then I saw that very disturbing joke and now I am very pissed off. God damn why you put that there anyway?
Hmm...Anonymous Poster do you enjoy talking to yourself? I guess if you like unintelligent conversation



Those translucent squares are the particles. In particle engines, particles a particle texture is put onto a square. The reason you dont see a square is because the edge of the particle is defined by the texture (the rest is removed using alpha channel).

What may have happened is that you might have changed your color config on your system and now you can see the squares. Its really nothing big because you find a little variance between system colors while running the same application. In other words the squares show up some of the time depending on the system.

The problem I have with particle systems now is having them depth sort with the rest of my objects. Im probably going to switch to a particle api.

Hope that helps.

Ancient Wisdom:
"Copy and paste fills the page, coding fills the mind...and the debugger."
If you have compiled the demo yourself and changed it in anyway, you may have to make sure that depth testing is disabled before drawing the particles. If it is the same for all particle effects, even on programs you haven''t written/compiled yourself then the answer is probably what the last guy said

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