
What's up, NeHe site?

Started by March 04, 2000 07:46 PM
3 comments, last by jamesH 25 years ago
When I go to, the next message appear "Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed." ?????? James
When I go there I get this:

You are not authorized to view this page

You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.

So its not just you.
Samething here, guessing A)Someone deleted the index page , B)screwed up a configuration somewhere, or C)NeHe is gone (I really hope it isn''t C)...

Just checked his directory. Everything is deleted.
We''ll try and keep you posted.

Michael Tanczos
Just to update, NeHe is back up. He had some technical problems temporarily. From what he has told me, I don''t think ''C'' is ever going to happen, so if this happens again, just be patient.

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