
What do you think of Dennis Moran?

Started by March 04, 2000 06:16 PM
0 comments, last by Kavos 25 years ago
You know, that loser with the handle "Coolio"... He has admited to "hacking" into lots of computer and vandelizing websites. The media now has more stuff to lable hackers as criminals (I concider hacking as general programming, not any sort of computer crime) One thing for sure is that Mr. Moron, I mean Moran isn''t winning popularity... After being asked "Do you concider yourself a hacker" Moran paused and almost proudly stated that "Yes, I''m a hacker" He is a criminal, a vandal and a PUNK! nothing more... As for whether he was the one who DoS''ed Yahoo!, E-bay ect, is still up in the air but he bragged about doing it, Has DoS software on his homepage, And chat logs of him sounding like he had special knowledge of the attacks. I can see why the FBI conciders him a suspect... What do you think? -Trev
Can''t say that I care.

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