
First Demo

Started by April 16, 2002 05:39 PM
4 comments, last by Metus 22 years, 10 months ago
Hi! I''ve fixed some MS3D Bugs now and implemented a scrolling system. I haven''t implemented timings yet so I don''t know haow fast this''ll run on your computer. Download Here and scroll with the mouse. Are there any abnormalities or does the scrooling seem OK?
that was pretty good, it ran fast on my comp, no abnormalities, scrolling was good only i couldnt scroll right, but that might be because i had winamp running on the right,

1.33ghz athlon
geforce2 64mb
256 ram


-= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-
-= kill one you're a murderer, kill thousands you're a conquerer =-
When i move my mouse very hard to the left, your app still is telling me that my mouse > 0. Even if it is allready to the mostleft of the screen.

Scrolling was a bit slow imho.

Athlon 1400
Geforce 3 Ti200
512Mb DDR
Scrolling worked fine, mouse read 0 leftmost. Only the buffered input for mouse clicks lagged pretty bad.

celeron 366@412
geforce SDR 32MB
192megs RAM
Neato... thats about all i can say :D

scrolling and input was lagged pretty bad, but it worked with patients...

1.7Ghz p4
geforce 2 gts 32mb
640Mb rambus
win2k pro
Well, i know that the mouse input is lagging... =(
The Coords are just the actual 2D coords, not the 3d coords...

Thanks for the replies anyway =)

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