
OpenGL AND Speed

Started by April 15, 2002 11:57 AM
5 comments, last by BloodSweatAndCode 22 years, 10 months ago
Without locking the frame-rate, I recently have been working on a project that had a frame-rate 0f 100 FPS, this was with Windows 98 and a Geforce4 MX 420. I installed Windows 2000 and now the frame-rate dropped to 60 FPS. Has anybody heard of windows 2000 slowing down OpenGL? If so, how do you combat this?
You''re not a programmer until that moment you stop yourself from destroying your computer into a billion- million pieces
Sounds like a V-Sync issue. If so, then it can be disabled via the display settings dialog. Your code may not be locking the frame rate, but if V-Sync is turned on, then the frame rate can only be at most the refresh rate of the monitor.


To add onto what Jwace81 said: Windows 2K/XP have this refresh rate issue where they lock your monitor at 60 Hz for OpenGL. Just turn off V-Sync (or get an unofficial fix to the issue in the first place) and you''ll be fine.

Just to add to that, you might want to increase the refresh rate too, don''t you notice flicker at 60hz? I do. 75 or 85 is minimum for me.
One quick question: How do you disable vsync? Can you do it within your program, or does it have to be in some other dialog box?
______________________________Pretty guy for a white fly.
Original post by hooded_paladin
One quick question: How do you disable vsync? Can you do it within your program, or does it have to be in some other dialog box?

Both ways can be done. If you want to know how (in detail even, this is a common issue) use GameDev''s useful search feature .

this question has been anwserd a milion times ... learn to use search button on this page or STFW

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