
more questions..

Started by April 14, 2002 09:50 PM
0 comments, last by jtarbox 22 years, 10 months ago
ok, thanks to others on this foruum, I was able to properly enable texturing. Now, I have a slight problem. Prior to doing textures, I was able to nicely ''fade'' the objects (text drawn from display lists made with the wglUseFontOutline func) with the glColor4f function using the alpha channel. Using that same method does not increase/decrease the transparency of the texture''d objects at all.. So, how would one go about doing this? I only want to apply a texture to one of the output''d texts, but am unaware how to do this. In the NeHe lesson 8 code, the glColor4f func is used but it''s not doing that in my code. -jtarbox
gah.. think I found it.. the light I had in there was causing the lack of transparency, once I disabled the light, the fading worked like I expected.

Anyone know why this would behave like so?


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