
Texture copying ??

Started by April 13, 2002 01:48 PM
5 comments, last by Xces 22 years, 10 months ago
I was wondering if i can resize/copy a HBITMAP which is 135 by 157 to a 256x256 OpenGL texture. Thanx in advance
if you use mipmapping texture will be automaticly resized to power of two

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Thanx for the tip, works now
Or you can just use gluScaleImage manually and save the overhead of potentially unused mipmapping. Whatever you want though .

gluScaleImage is certainly the last utility function you should use since it is the slowest way of doing it.

"Shadow of annoyance Ne''''er come hither! ...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer, Ne''''er to ascend again..."

"Shadow of annoyance Ne''er come hither! ...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer, Ne''er to ascend again..."
Original post by Dalkiel
gluScaleImage is certainly the last utility function you should use since it is the slowest way of doing it.

I think you''re missing the point of my reply. What do you think gluBuild2DMipmaps does? How is one call to gluScaleImage going to be slower than many calls? If only one call is required in the case where you won''t use the functionality provided by mipmapping and you''d just waste texture memory, I''d say go with the single call to gluScaleImage.

i agree that if mipmapping isn''t needed, then gluBuild*DMipmaps should NOT be used but when it comes to scaling textures, then you should do it manually. utility functions should be fast enough for what you usually need but gluScaleImage is really not.

"Shadow of annoyance Ne''''er come hither! ...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer, Ne''''er to ascend again..."

"Shadow of annoyance Ne''er come hither! ...And when He falleth, He falleth like Lucifer, Ne''er to ascend again..."

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