What kind of preformance should I get?
Just curious about how well my program is preforming.
Currently, it places several teapots and random positions and rotates them around random axes. The user can also rotate the entire scene.
The problem is that the proformance is droppin off quicker then expected. At 32 teapots on the screen, the slowdown is pretty apperant. At 128 teapots, the rotation slows to a crawl. This is on a system with a GeForce 2 graphics card so I would expect better preformance. (this is using the glutSolidTeapot() function to draw the teapot).
Is this a correct scaling, or are there modes to enable that can fix this? (currently depthtest and cullface are enabled, normalize disabled)
Are you using diplaylists, Vertex Arrays, or even Trees (such as BSP or OctTrees)
Don''t quote me on that, but I believe that glutSolidTeapot et al. use immediate mode. That would explain the bad performance.
If you want good performance, you should look into display lists, vertex arrays, or (even better) VAR/VAO. If you use VAR, you can expect a performance boost factor of over x10 compared to immediate mode, on a typical scene.
/ Yann
If you want good performance, you should look into display lists, vertex arrays, or (even better) VAR/VAO. If you use VAR, you can expect a performance boost factor of over x10 compared to immediate mode, on a typical scene.
/ Yann
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