Maybe bought the wrong book?
Ok, I went C++ book shopping at Chapters and I went in hoping for a kick ass book that tells me step by step on how to make games, but no such luck. I instead walked out with "Practical C++" by Rob Mcgregor. It is pretty good but I dont know if its going to help me make games or not. It gets in depth into OOP in the last few chapters and it is quite easy to read and understand so far. I wanted to buy a DirectX book, but I dont think Im quite ready for it was 90 bucks (canadian that is). For anyone who is familiar with "Practical C++", could you tell me if it will help me in my quest for windows game programming knowledge?
Its all fun and games till
someone gets pregnant.
Its all fun and games till someone gets pregnant.
nah, c++ is important to learn if you want to make games
after learning a language, get a game programming specific book from amazon.
after learning a language, get a game programming specific book from amazon.
I think that if you get a pretty good grasp of C++ and directX you will have no problem developing a game. I have not read the book you are referring to, but I would suggest reading one or more of the very good online tutorials on the net, they''re FREE! Even in Canada.
I suggest , , I especially liked''s C++ in 21 Days, and highly recommend it. It is free of course.
I suggest , , I especially liked''s C++ in 21 Days, and highly recommend it. It is free of course.
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