
Adult Content

Started by April 11, 2002 07:25 PM
18 comments, last by Order over Chaos 22 years, 10 months ago
Original post by Promit

I played DN3D for hours and the strippers never actually took the tops off...

Like all the other prescripted events you "click" on the object with the spacebar (or whatever key you use to open doors) to activate dukes obscene comments and actions on the part of the object (Duke says "Shake it baby" and the sprite will proceed to show you here pixels).

I was refering to the earth "urban" levels. Almost everyone of them had at least one adult entertainment reference (some where hidden, such as the poster hidden under a painting in an office)

Theres a number of ways you can look at this. The content being there just to attract a different audience will make it gratuitous, and just manage to boost the adult rating rather than add to the game necessarily. In another light, if the game needs it, be it part of the story or some other situation, then it''s a bit more justified, but potentialy an "easy" way out. The situation I''d recommend is nicely shown in Final Fantasy 7 (PSX) where the protagonist, Cloud, has to dress in drag to sneak into a mob boss''s hideout. While this scene is very adult in nature, it''s toned down considerably by the fact that Cloud is very uncomfortable during the scene, nothing is ever explained (like what happens when he passes out in the brothel), and for the most part, the whole thing is pretty damn funny. FF7 managed a Teen rating if I remember correctly. What I''m trying to say here is that there is a tasteful way out of the situation if you want to imply adult themes, but don''t want to explicitly deal with them.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.
william bubel
What about sex in particular. It''s in movies, why isnt it in computer games?
The japanese have that covered. But, in my opinion, its one of those things where the interactivity can''t be fully s(t)imulated by a game... And god forbid it that it ever should.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.
william bubel
So if the Japanese have done it, why haven''t we?
The Japanese have a lot of gratuitous nudity in their media, and this includes computer games. In the US, we don''t. Even US movies, which are often criticised for nudity, are pretty tame. In Europe, it''s more accepted, but not nearly to the extent that it is in Japan. It''s a cultural thing.

If there''s a real reason for adult content in your game, I''m sure you can find a market for it. But I really wouldn''t include nudity for the sake of nudity.

Original post by Inmate2993
...its one of those things where the interactivity can''t be fully s(t)imulated by a game

I once had a discussion about this with a friend once. It had to do with USB ports and force feedback...
why haven''t we?

In other countries if you try s(t)imulating things through games you''re basically probably having a good time. In the US you''re a sick pervert that needs some serious psychological help.

I see very little difference between getting artificial stimulation through some weird computer thing and going into chat rooms and ''cybering''. As long as you''re not doing it with a minor, you''re an adult and what you do with other, consenting adults, even through the use of an intermediary (computer in this case) is your own business. If you want to design some gizmo that straps around your hips and simulates having sex with someone else (wouldn''t it be cool if it could actually get the other person''s personal part shapes right?) and a million people want to sit on their computers ''cyborging'', what do I care? I have a wife and would probably find it rather... artificial in comparison, but I''m sure I''d probably try it once... in my capacitty as a ''sick pervert'' in need of therapy.

Anyway, I think that everyone over here in the US is a bit too uptight and nosey anyway. The real problem with making games for an adult audience is the publisher. You go halfway and no publisher will touch you because it''s too much of a game or too much sex. Then your only option is to do self-publishing and it''s likely that once you self-publish a few semi-adult games you''re probably going to be stuck doing those hard-core games.
Sorry for bringing this thread back ....but what about games that are not sex based, but have a strong sexual peice. For example, fallout 2 had some sex in it, but it was a pretty worthless activity. However, IRL, , sex can be used to show feeling, to boost morale, or for manipulation. Say you have sex with a smithy''s daughter, he makes you are sword, a gift for his future son, then you get it, ditch the b1tch, and head for the hills leaving a sobbing girl and gaining a Rutheless Sword of the Punk +2
Something like that, or maybe you are seduced by mistress medusa who turns you into stone in a very explicit pose, which all your NPC compaininons laugh at when thye come across it. Everyone knows the role sex has with vampires in movies. Too bad we arent as open minded about that as the japanese are.
The only main thing limiting interactive adult content is the graphics I mean companys could shell out thousands for a nice looking game but they will not, as the cost of graphics for game reduces over the years or companys start to spend more and more the likely-hood that we will se a real attempt at an adult game will become more likely.

I think this will happen sooner or later and will not harm the games inderstry one bit it will just be a expansion on the competions going on against TV.
I think Andre Lamothe had a good point in one of his books. Talking about one of the DirectX sections, he said something about the sex industry really taking off when someone makes a full body suit. I don''t know if he was serious or not about them making a full body suit. But when that time comes that they have input and output devices built into suits for stimulation, i think that sexual content oriented games will make a very large appearence, many people i think are not eager to play a sex game now because there''s no point to it really, other than eye candy. alot of times technological hurdles must be reached and crossed before products become popular. I''m just using the sex industry as an example because it''s really the most adult content i can think of, society is getting alot more liberal as far as violence etc. and to a certain degree to sex. after 9/11 we as a society are alot more desensitized to violence although we still don''t like it, we are more able to deal with it.

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