
Untitled Online World Project - Design Document Posted

Started by April 11, 2002 12:03 PM
2 comments, last by Sixxo 22 years, 8 months ago
Greetings all. I think the subject speaks for itself. This is the design document (with an introduction and 'to do' list attached) of a project I've worked on for a while (very descriptively titled 'Untitled Online World Project'). I've decided to release it to the public since it would probably do more good there. More information is contained in the introduction within the document itself. Just to get it out of the way, I encourage anybody and everybody to learn from the document in any way they can and take any ideas they would like for their own projects or even completely new ones. The ideas within the document are public domain, but the document itself is copyrighted. That aside, read and enjoy. You'll need Acrobat Reader to be able to read the document (it's in PDF format). UPDATE: In lieu of the number of problems viewers have been having, I've created three versions of the document, eliminating the need for one to have to get the latest version of Acrobat Viewer to view the document. If the Acrobat 5 version does not work, try the Acrobat 4 version, and so on. Untitled Online World Project (Acrobat 3) Untitled Online World Project (Acrobat 4) Untitled Online World Project (Acrobat 5) Any criticism or comments are welcome. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them. - Sixxo [edited by - Sixxo on April 12, 2002 5:49:51 PM]
Interesting. I''ll read through this in a few hours when i''m sitting at my OWN computer.
Impressive work!
My Stuff : [ Whispers in Akarra (online rpg) || L33T WAR (multiplayer game) || The Asteroid Menace (another game) ]
I''ve created three versions of the document that should ensure that anybody with Acrobat Reader will be able to view it. Sorry to all who''ve had problems. See the original post for more details.

- Sixxo

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