
masking problem

Started by April 11, 2002 12:22 AM
12 comments, last by nitzan 22 years, 10 months ago
I looked at lesson 25 tga loading and implemented it. I checked and I think I am loading all four channels. Unfortunately when I test it out I can see the texture, but the black parts are still there. Any ideas ?

I tried re-loading the tga file into photoshop to make sure the alpha channel is there and it is.


and have you set the parts of the image you want to be transparent to have an alpha of 0? (You should be able to do this in Photoshop)

The method I described should work... hmmm...

[edit] Maybe try setting your texenv mode to GL_DECAL instead of GL_MODULATE when you load your texture (which is what I suspect you have it on if you were blending before).

Sorry if I am a little off the mark or vague... all doped up on medication at the mo

[edited by - Bad Monkey on April 11, 2002 10:12:50 PM]
Thanks for all the help everyone! I finally figured out I was forgetting to enable Alpha Testing! DUH! Man I feel so stupid. But its working and my trees look sweet!


In case anyone wants to see, there are screenshots of my new masked trees at

I cant wait to add other cool masked stuff, as well as make the leaves rustle in the wind and add bushes, other tree types, colored leaves, etc....


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