CS or CE for Game Dev?
I was planing on taking CS at University of Waterloo, but after taking a tour of their engineering department I am considering a degree in Computer Engineering. I would like to work in game dev after compleating University but still leave my options open to other areas such as wireless communications, hardware dev, etc in the future.
Is it possible to work in the game industry with a CE or do you need to have a CS degree?
Thanks in advance
Edited by - POW on 3/2/00 6:43:23 PM
It is possible to work in the game dev industry without any degrees.... and it is pretty unlikely that you will get right into game development right out of college unless you have some real killer experience already under your belt. Its a hard-sought-after thing to get into that business, and if you dont have any experience going into college, there is little chance of you walking straight into game dev... my advice is if you want to work in wireless communication, get the CE or EE and go do that... Writing games for a living and being successful is like being a pro baskettball player, don''t plan on having that carreer, but definately try to get there. Its just the way it is.
-Erik L. Elmore
-Erik L. Elmore
-Erik L. Elmore
I''ve seen the differences between a CS and CE degree and both are good, but for programming your better of with a CS degree. I have friends in CE and myself being is CS I truly think you are better of is CS (unless you really want hardware).
A note... If you plan on joining the CO-OP program at Waterloo keep in mind that you will be pretty much moving every four months. There are good jobs in Waterloo and Toronto, but the best ones are in Ottawa. If you don''t wanna move so often (like myself) you''re better off going to Ottawa University or even Carleton University. Either way your in the heart of Northern Silicon Valley and you have a better choice of jobs (Corel, Nortel, Cognos, etc...)
A note... If you plan on joining the CO-OP program at Waterloo keep in mind that you will be pretty much moving every four months. There are good jobs in Waterloo and Toronto, but the best ones are in Ottawa. If you don''t wanna move so often (like myself) you''re better off going to Ottawa University or even Carleton University. Either way your in the heart of Northern Silicon Valley and you have a better choice of jobs (Corel, Nortel, Cognos, etc...)
I believe CS would get preference over CE because CS is focused more on applications level and CE is more low level. That being said, I know quite a few CE''s and EE''s in software development and one or two in game development. It''s not a barrier the same way that say, being a Political Science major with no job experience in programming would be.
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