lately whenever i enter a computer lab or work on a computer i instantly get this pounding headache at the back of my eyes and base of my skull. anybody know any good tricks to stop getting these damned headaches? i.e. what are the best lighting conditions/computer placement that would make my time on the computer less irritable? i know this all sounds dumb, but popping asprin every two hours isn''t very fun...
Gecko Design
computer headaches
maybe taking a drink (of water) once in a while will help. It could also be that the room is darker than the monitors?
- Moe -
- Moe -
Well i get that problem once in awhile. But when i do i find that it is a lack of caffine!!!! So get a 12 or 24 pack next to you and go to work and you will have no more headaches!!!!
It might also help to reduce computer using time
But anyways, things that might help are buying a shield on the monitor that prevents the light reflecting from it (those cost quite a bit, though), using larger fonts where possible, trying to sit farther from the monitor, having breaks more frequently etc. I think the "best" monitor placement (below, above or at the eye level) is pretty much a matter of preference, but if you can, you might try lowering or raising it and seeing if it helps.

Make sure your monitor is using a high enough refresh rate. 60Hz might not be noticeable flickering but for some people it will definitely give headaches.
I try to use at least 75Hz for the refreshrate. If the monitor cannot handle it at the current resolution you may want to lower it.
I try to use at least 75Hz for the refreshrate. If the monitor cannot handle it at the current resolution you may want to lower it.
There are special glasses out in the market today (about $20 US I think) for people that get these kinds of headaches. They are good for people who don''t even have near/farsightedness. I believe I first saw them at Staples, I can''t remember that company that makes them though.
______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Caffine is not really the answer to your problems, as it would put more strain on your eyes and mind. You would end up with more headaches.
Usually, headaches with computer users are associated with eye strain. When staring at the computer for long periods, your eyes will remain dialated and the muscles will stay in a fixed state. The best thing for that is every ten minutes of so, stop staring at the computer and look around the room for a while. This will allow your eyes to basicly get some exercise.
Another resolution would be to stand up and walk around the room. Perhaps get a drink of water from the fountain in the hall.
I had the same problem when I was in college.
Usually, headaches with computer users are associated with eye strain. When staring at the computer for long periods, your eyes will remain dialated and the muscles will stay in a fixed state. The best thing for that is every ten minutes of so, stop staring at the computer and look around the room for a while. This will allow your eyes to basicly get some exercise.
Another resolution would be to stand up and walk around the room. Perhaps get a drink of water from the fountain in the hall.
I had the same problem when I was in college.
Thanks for responding everybody, i''ll check try out some of the tips. i''m probably just spending too much time on the computer...
Gecko Design
Gecko Design
_________________Gecko___Gecko Design
I had a similar problem going into the "Success Center" at my college. It''s painted white, split by cubicles and partitions [you don''t know how much nicer a cubicle is until you only have partitions], and lit white flourescent lighting. Most of the monitors are set to above 70 hz and I can work fine at the computer for an hour, easy.
. One day I started working on a computer and within two minutes I had a headache and my eyes felt like they were tearing out of my sockets. Some *%#@! had gotten into the System Settings [which are locked out by the admins] and switched it to 56 hz. No wonder why I couldn''t look at the monitor any more? I tried to change the settings myself, but, alas, I don''t know the admin''s login and password.<br>-*SIGH*- Why is it that the people that can''t even shut down WIndows BEFORE turning off the computer can install AOL 5.0 [hi-jacking edition], Yahoo IM, AllAdvantage , and put up the most obnoxious wallpapers! Grmlbbmrmrlbmrl…
. One day I started working on a computer and within two minutes I had a headache and my eyes felt like they were tearing out of my sockets. Some *%#@! had gotten into the System Settings [which are locked out by the admins] and switched it to 56 hz. No wonder why I couldn''t look at the monitor any more? I tried to change the settings myself, but, alas, I don''t know the admin''s login and password.<br>-*SIGH*- Why is it that the people that can''t even shut down WIndows BEFORE turning off the computer can install AOL 5.0 [hi-jacking edition], Yahoo IM, AllAdvantage , and put up the most obnoxious wallpapers! Grmlbbmrmrlbmrl…
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