
What the hell is wrong with everybody?

Started by March 02, 2000 01:06 PM
1 comment, last by David Cotton 24 years, 9 months ago
Recently I posted in the help wanted section looking for programmers, my company is currently in the process of working things out with our investors, and aquiring new venture capitalists, but that is not what I want to talk about here, what I want to talk about is just the ranting and raving about how fake my group is, but only two people wanting to ask more, first of all this industry is young enough to not have to check everybody''s damn credentials all the time, and if it just has to be that then in that case ive been designing games since I was 8 years old, and have had everybody from Nintendo and Sega (cough,cough Ristar) steal ideas of mine, and sometimes even entire designs, Ive recieved the letters from companies saying, "Oh well we dont need this right now, and a year or two later my stuff is coming out!!!!, but altered, and because I was just a kid I didn''t know much about copyrights and such. If you''ve ever played a game from EA that had hip hop in it, I had a hand in that with contacts from the company making suggestions to them about what will sell more to whom and why, and it really sucks that I have to deal with the bull of companies not even wanting to hire me, but then stealing my stuff and alot of it. That is the sole reason why me and my associates are starting a game company, friends of mine within the industry have joked around and called me "the most professtional charity consultant in all the industry". Now I tried to maybe come up with another reason why I''m not being hired (even though being right over and over again), and all I can come up with is maybe its the fact that im not from Sunnyvale, California, but on the streets of the Bronx, cause hell no it couldn''t be because of my really long tan (noo way, I mean with game characters like Birdie, and Superfly, there is plenty of room for me right, and since all magazines dont cover this topic, certainly there must be nothing wrong right?). Anyway, let me say this for all, some of us may not have necessary "credentials" so to speak not because we didn''t try to get in, but because some of us simply weren''t LET IN. (But nah, maybe im just wrong, maybe if i get on one of the sports game teams first then maybe just maybe if I rub the backs of my ruby slippers together hard enough, somebody will let me in.)
The Pantheon Group
I''m not trying to flame you, just giving advice.

Most of the time when I look in the help wanted section, I''m personally looking at them out of sheer amusment.

There are a lot of people making ''Big claims'' as to what their (game/game company/engine/etc..) is going to do to (change the industy/make millions/create an instant hit/provide totally new features/personally become the next Romero or Carmack/etc...)

I have noticed, that about 80-90% of the posts are really by newbies. The honest ones, say so up front. They are usually not flamed, but end up starting something(finishing is whole different matter.) They state the premise of a simple game. The have a simple goal and a simple plan of how to obtain that goal. (KISS always works!)

But the other newbie types, make broad and hard to obtain goals. They give no backing as to how they will go about achieving that goal. The RESULT: they get flamed.
Unfortuantly for you, you fall in this category. You started the post off as "Going to create the biggest game company in the eastern US."
So, immediatly, you riled a lot of peoples feathers. Some of those people might even currently work for a very large (50+ employees) game company.

In short, your goal was so broad, that no one could take it really seriously. There are very few people in the industy who could make such a claim, and live up to it. Carmack, Romero, Sid, & R williams come to mind.

If your goal is to get in the industry, create games! Simple or complex, it doesn''t matter. Show what you can do. Showcase your talent. The more you have done and the more you know, the better your odds.
Creating a large and successful gaming company, requires jumping over 100,000 hurdles.(figurativly speaking)
Creating a simple game is only going to require about 100 hurdle jumps(depending upon the person and game, of course.)

Get a simple game idea togeather, and ask for newbies. You will do much better. You can progress from there (and so can the people you work with!)
I think Gorky''s post about sums it up. So we''ll close this thread down now.


Samu Games

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