tutorial 10 - sectors?
I''ve been looking at tutorial 10 and have found it very useful.
At the end Lionel Brits says this:
"Don''t even consider using this code to make a full-blown 3D engine, since that''s not what it''s designed for. You''ll probably
want more than one sector in your game, especially if you''re going to implement portals. You''ll also want to have polygons with more than 3 vertices, again, essential for portal engines. My current implementation of this code allows for multiple sector loading and does backface culling (not drawing polygons that face away from the camera)."
I think I understand what he means by portals, but what I am doing is just a simple one level world with only a few rooms (eg the inside of the first floor of a house). Do I need more than one sector? At the top of the tutorial it says that a sector can be any enclosed volume.
Any tips on using sectors would be greatly appriciated
you won''t NEED sectors, but it can be useful, if your level gets quite large...
So if you only want to display a level with up to 20000 polys, sectors are nothing you have to care about. But if the whole level contains let''s say 300000 polys, you will want to use some kind of space partititioning... (Portals, for example ;-)) If you don''t, you''ll get about 0.5 fps, because your computer can not handle it... (these are made up values)
SnAkE''s Programming Resources
So if you only want to display a level with up to 20000 polys, sectors are nothing you have to care about. But if the whole level contains let''s say 300000 polys, you will want to use some kind of space partititioning... (Portals, for example ;-)) If you don''t, you''ll get about 0.5 fps, because your computer can not handle it... (these are made up values)
SnAkE''s Programming Resources
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