Emotion Engine? I Dont Think So.
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Im sendin this to Newsweek as we speak.
if anyone has something to add..........hurry cause cant wait to pull the trigger.
'Emotion Engine'? I Don't Think So.
In addition to your article about game creators not being artist i would like to point out that the entire development process is a piece of yours so called "art". The process of creating a game requires some very creative thoughts, and i would like to know on what qualifications Jack Kroll can judge game development not to be art. Is thinking very creative and maybe even developing completely new ideas not "art", i think it is, and if Jack Kroll ever tried to make a picture by hand on a computer he would know that makin graphics requires alot more skills than makin a picture with pencils and water-colors. Art is a tricky word since no one has the answer to what the word really defines.........Is a painting by Claude Monet art ? is a bonsai tree art ? is game development art ? You cant tell people that what they are doing is not art because of the fact that its digitally!!
"Games can be fun and rewarding in many ways, but they can't transmit the emotional complexity that is the root of art. Even the most advanced games lack the shimmering web of nuances that makes human life different from mechanical process."
Quote : Jack Kroll, 'Emotion Engine'? I Don't Think So.
Well thats a perfect picture of what art really is. You cant use art as a buzzword/mainstream since people has individual oppinions and needs. There dont excist 2 people with the completely same oppinion about what art is.
Bastian Grubbe
Game developer
Edited by - HOOKUPS on 3/1/00 5:25:46 AM
Well when I was taking art classes at school. My Art teacher always said "Anything which is created by a Human Being is art. So whether this be a swimming pool, a house or
a video game as far as I''m concerned this is all art.
P.S Just a thought
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
Why can''t these game wizards be satisfied with their ingenuity, their $7 billion (and rising) in sales, their capture of a huge chunk of youth around the world? Why must they claim that what they are doing is "art"? And should anyone care whether this emerging medium is art or not? The point is, the game designers care. They lust after the title of Artist. You might think these cutting-edge, post-post-everything guys would scorn such an ancient calling. Not so; you don''t hear them boasting, "We''ve gone beyond art. Art is moldy old stuff for moldy old people."
Just the way this starts out makes this guy serously seem like he has a stick up his ass. Looking from his point of view he seems to fail to recognise anything more than the next version tomb raider, or screenshots from quake 3 arena. I doubt this guy has ever even played a computer game more than once. Someone needs to mail him a copy of Final Fantasy 7
Just the way this starts out makes this guy serously seem like he has a stick up his ass. Looking from his point of view he seems to fail to recognise anything more than the next version tomb raider, or screenshots from quake 3 arena. I doubt this guy has ever even played a computer game more than once. Someone needs to mail him a copy of Final Fantasy 7

good pitching can always stop good hitting and vice versa.
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