
where does opengl store textures?

Started by April 05, 2002 01:30 PM
1 comment, last by radek79 22 years, 10 months ago
I read NeHe''s texturing tutorial but I have 1 question about it. Where does opengl store its textures and is there a way to access it programmatically? Here is what I mean: In his tutorial, everyting in textureimage[] gets freed, and the texture[] holds only one number for each of its array element. So where are the actual textures stored?
for hardware accelerated OpenGL drivers; they get stored in the video cards texture memory as well as system memory.

for software OpenGL drivers; they get stored in system memory.

to retrieve the pixel data, use glGetTexImage

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To the vast majority of mankind, nothing is more agreeable than to escape the need for mental exertion... To most people, nothing is more troublesome than the effort of thinking.
It''s MUCH better to keep a copy of texture in main memmory if you want to access it yourself, and uploading it when you change it.

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