
Best game story

Started by April 05, 2002 01:17 AM
73 comments, last by Ravuya 18 years ago
Hi! I was wondering what game do you guys think have the most developed and best story?? I have been thinking alot and frankly I don''t really know, any suggestions?? Regards Daniel
One of the best game stories I ever saw was the one for The Longest Journey, which had me totally enthralled for a month.
I agree! The longest journey was best!
I couldn''t stop playing!

The Wild Wild West - Desperado!
The Wild Wild West - Desperado!
Deus Ex had a good story. Fallout 1 & 2 also have pretty decent stories. Undying also had a good story. Story is sadly deficient in most games so that makes it difficult to think of many good ones.
_________________________The Idea Foundry
Gotta be the story for Unreal Tournament! Oh, wait, there was none.

Deus Ex''s story was pretty cool.

Breakaway Games

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

Ultima VII (both parts) wins it for me. It had a lot of depth, many topical issues, weaved in the history from the numerous prequels without requiring you to play them to appreciate it, and featured many optional side-quests that also fitted the main story properly. I would consider this ''well-developed'' as there were so many objects, places or people you could interact with to discover more about the land and the happenings. You really live the story.

One of my favourite stories is the Thief backstory. Although it is almost entirely told in cutscenes and not in-game, it sets a magnificent atmospheric backdrop to the various levels. Thief 2 is pretty good too. Although I don''t think their story is well developed, it is of a high quality and fits the game perfectly, which is most important to me.

And just to be controversial, the most overrated story in my opinion is the Final Fantasy 6 one, which starts off ok, gets great in the middle, and then totally loses its momentum as so much of the characterization gets totally forgotten.

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The game I always label as being the best written is Final Fantasy 8. I know I''ll have countless people who disagree with me on that, but I felt the progression, characterization and story were all the best I''ve ever seen in a videogame. Alas, I still cringe somewhat when I say this, as the story itself was quite inconsistent in parts, relying heavily on a few saggy, unbelievable plot elements and a completely out of nowhere main villain(who had a speech impediment; I still to this day wonder if it was intended to be a joke). Yet, even with its key flaws, I still think that it''s a better written game than any other I''ve ever played. Rather sad, actually.

Then again, this doesn''t exactly answer the question, as this game was, in my eyes, the most advanced from a literary standpoint, but did not have the best story. Since I can''t think of what the best story would be off the top of my head(and I have other things to do anyway), I''ll just proclaim that Deja Vu for nintendo was the best story I''ve ever seen in a game. Frankly, all it needed was a midget to be an absolutely perfect game(apologies to all those who have not seen Chinatown).

Anyhow, I agree 100% with the individual who labeled Final Fantasy 6 as being the most overrated ever. Frankly, it''s a damn shame that this fact is controversial in the first place. Most people who played the game DIDN''T NOTICE that every aspect of the story quite literally STOPPED about 60% or so through the game. It''s my belief that the script for FF6 was actually unfinished when they got to making the game. It''s like that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where the party is saved after the animator suffered a fatal heart attack. The monster just disappeared from the film all together. The same thing happened in FF6, this time with the story.

Lastly, I must say that the topic to begin with is a bit of a loaded question. Answering it implies that there actually has been a GREAT story written for a videogame, and I''m not convinced there has been. Every story-based game has key flaws in it in some way. It''s a damn shame...

Oh well. I guess I gotta just start working harder!

Both Baldurs Gate had good stories

"The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That''s where we come in; we''re computer professionals. We cause accidents."
-Nathaniel Borenstein
-----------------------------When men speak of the future, the Gods laugh.An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.Samuel Butler (1835 - 1902)
Well, it depends how you define game story. Some would argue Chrono Cross was the best because it was to an extreme degree nonlinear. However, my personal favorites are Final Fantasy 7 and Xenogears. For story mainly on that second one, it was a bit deficient in gameplay. Its all a matter of taste I suppose.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.
william bubel
FFVII was the best by far. It was engrossing from beginning to end.

FFVIII was extremely disappointing. My hopes were up because FFVII was good, and sequels in video/computer games improve in most cases. Oh well, almost total lack of backstory that doesn''t involve the main character(no ancients died out, no prophecy of paradise, villain''s backstory was filled in incrementally, not all at the same time), no convincing motivation, and cookie-cutter characters *cough*understatement*cough* somewhat fell below my expectations.

FFVI was good, but lost all interest for me once the pivotal event occurred(you know what I''m talking about, and you know why, too--catching all those stupid fish).

Deus Ex had the best of the computer games I''ve played thus far.(I chose the third ending)

Diablo had the best story that had nothing to do with a game.(that is, it was almost entirely in the manual.)

Starcraft has the best story of any strategy game.
---New infokeeps brain running;must gas up!

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