
Game idea...

Started by April 03, 2002 09:27 AM
31 comments, last by Magriep 22 years, 10 months ago
What do you mean "high level"? never played those games. I'm not sure if i want to make a mod or not. I'll think about it.

[edited by - Magriep on April 3, 2002 1:31:47 PM]
Try and put in more variety e.g. not just demons, maybe a demon-worshipping cult. Also to my mind some of the suggestions proposed here (esp. the coming back to find a bigger boss idea) are similar to doom/doom2 .

Baldur K
"Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"
I''m referring to "demons" because this game is still being designed . Of course there will be other creatures and whatnot.
Better to have your RPG smell like Doom than have it smell like Dragon Warrior, says I.
Do you guys actually think that this is a good idea to start a game on? If so, I''ll put up a new website and start accepting applications for designing the game. Of course, we won''t be doing much designing until we get a good design doc up.
Any storyline can make a great game I say.

Make combat fun and engaging to the player, make the story involved but not to the point of making you (the developer) look stupid (like Max Payne, I laughed my way through the melodrama in that game, not good). A good rule of thumb is to make the player have to pay attention to what the characters think/feel, just that will make those characters more real, and as such the player will be able to identify with them.


PC proposes to assault a particular stronghold, all the party members say that they will follow the PC because that would be a valiant thing to do.

PC proposes a tactical strike on a particular stronghold, the warrior in the group complains and says that they would be better served to charge in with weapons flailing. The thief says he thinks he''d be able to, as long as they do it at night. The archer says that she would be all for it either way, as long as someone stays back to cover her. The warrior gets in an arguement with the thief, who threatens to cause him pain. The PC settles it with an irritated "SILENCE!" and the player decides which tactic to act upon, if they go for nighttime, the warrior will accompany, but if they choose daytime the thief is sitting this one out.

George D. Filiotis
Are you in support of the ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide? You should be!
George D. Filiotis
So your basically saying to allow the PC to make decisions and have the AI/other players(if we imp multi) object and then what descision they make affect the quest?
If you want to think about it like that, then yes. But thinking about it that way may hurt how it comes across when you script the scene (or make out AI guidelines). The point is that the people the PC is close to should seem real to help the player feel that he/she is present in the situation.

George D. Filiotis
Are you in support of the ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide? You should be!
George D. Filiotis
Not a half bad idea.

Couple of questions:

Are we talking post Holy Roman Empire (what, early 1800s?), or just basically after the barbarians had finally started chipping away at the Empire seriously (around 500-800)?

Is this going to be arbitrary or is there some greater moral goal to the game that will have gamers rolling their eyes at the end?
AI/other players(if we imp multi) object and then what descision they make

Yuck... hate it when people give me a ''band of intrepid, brave adventurers'' then make all but my character a ''band of arguing idiots'' with special powers. It usually happens with console games... they seem to think that it enhances the storyline. I think that actually making a game with a dynamic storyline would be a lot more useful in the long run.

In my mind, the only time that these types of decisions is relevant is when you give the player a list of options, like in a console game. The only reason that I can think of to have an NPC argue or anything like that is to educate the player of facets of the world that would normally be understood by the character.

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