
Did you know...

Started by April 01, 2002 11:26 AM
8 comments, last by ZGL_Sigma 22 years, 10 months ago
that microsoft WILL only give you DX9 for Money ???
I hate signatures !!!

Where can i find more info on this? I''m really curios :>
Is this true? I think that would really hurt the D3D vs OpenGL argument. Especially when OpenGL 2.0 comes out.
That simply doesn''t make any sense.

Just about all of the DirectX APIs are essentially complete and will not undergo much more evolution. DirectSound won''t change much. A soundcard is a soundcard is a soundcard; it might support A3D or EAX, but that''s about it. And DirectInput in its current form can work with just about any joystick, gamepad, or mouse you can imagine. The only major exception is Direct3D. For all the other DirectX APIs, developers and users will just use the old versions. And to support 3D, people will just switch to OpenGL. In other words, they just won''t use DX9.

Microsoft wants to dominate the API scene in just about every area imaginable with DirectX. By charging for it, it can be virtually assured that it won''t.

That''s why it won''t happen.
I definitely agree with the previous poster, yet i am still curious as to where the topic originated, what prompted the initial message.
I think the fact that it''s April 1st prompted the original message ...
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
Original post by Martee
I think the fact that it''s April 1st prompted the original message ...

I think Martee''s on to something....

Microsofts history would indicate that they are the one company who wouldn''t charge for their SDK (Unlike their competitors who did, and now are no longer competitors [anyone use OS/2 at home?]).
okay - congratulations.
you were faster than any other forum I visited.
it IS an april gag.

and here it didn''t even become a flame war of DX against OpenGL
I hate signatures !!!
Just curious: what other forums did you visit?
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name

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