
Need more ppl for a new BIG RPG game..

Started by February 28, 2000 04:39 PM
10 comments, last by pikkenix 25 years ago
"Hey, why can''t you understand that there is right forums for right posts, this post belongs to Help Wanted!
Let''s keep post in their own forums, admin, can you move this?

Time comes, time goes and I only am. "

fucking moron... shut up and let people post what they want to post...this is the reason why capitialism is a terrible government -....- but is sure beats the rest (commie ''stards)
Bad attitude ya have... There is GDNET''s loundge (If I spelled it right) for "Post whatever you want", and if you think a while, there is also a reason why there is description like "Post your game design ideas and so on" next to Design forum.

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