
What next?

Started by March 29, 2002 08:33 PM
4 comments, last by Magriep 22 years, 11 months ago
I just am about to finish "Complete Idiot''s guide to C++" and I was wondering what I should do next. I''m wondering if I should go on to learn DirectX, practice C++ some more before learning an API, or learn Windows programming.
If you''re going to go into the game area, study C++ some more and get a solid fundamental on C++. Then you can make some text games, then go onto win32 programming.
ok thanks.
You would be completely lost if you tried to learn DirectX before learning the Win32 API.
I don't have a signature
Are there any reccomendations from anyone for a Windows programming book? I looked under game dev''s book section and they didn''t seem to have any Win32 books.
Try Programming Windows by Charles Petzold, or Windows 98 Programming from the Ground Up by Herbert Schildt.

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