I''ve added 5 more songs, for those of you who care, to my list. If you havent heard, I''ve been creating music for a classic 2d RPG game that is suppose to go for different themes, i''ve created about 15 songs and more to come. The point of this post is to get feedback on the music, just to see if anyone thinks that its good for a game or not. Please don''t be afraid to tell me that its no good, it will only help. To hear the music go to http://mp3.com/king/, to hear the music. Thanks a bunch.
- king171@hotmail.com
- http://www.cfxweb.net/mxf/
If you havent heard...
hey, I'm making a game and need music....what program do you use?
Oh yea, your music kicks ass by the way! (most of it sounds like it would be good for a game but I haven't listened to all of it)
Over and out....
Edited by - Saint on 2/29/00 2:08:21 PM
Oh yea, your music kicks ass by the way! (most of it sounds like it would be good for a game but I haven't listened to all of it)
Over and out....
Edited by - Saint on 2/29/00 2:08:21 PM
Over and out....Saint[http://www.evolution-v3.co.uk]
Yes, definately kicks ass. Btw, what, if any, software did you use to make/record that music?
Asking the samme question as Jim_Ross did("what, if any, software did you use to make/record that music?")
James Bond
James Bond
James Bond
yeah, the program i used to make some of the music was Acid, its not too expensive, and is pretty easy to get used to.
- king171@hotmail.com
- http://www.cfxweb.net/mxf/
- king171@hotmail.com
- http://www.cfxweb.net/mxf/
I also used a program called Ejay, it mixes wave files just like Acid and is simple. Oh, and I added more songs
- king171@hotmail.com
- http://www.cfxweb.net/mxf/

- king171@hotmail.com
- http://www.cfxweb.net/mxf/
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