
Question on WinXP

Started by March 28, 2002 09:22 PM
4 comments, last by Klear 22 years, 11 months ago
I just recieved my kick ass system from alienware. It came with winXP, which I have never used before. These very annoying things come up every little while. its called "unsent messages". what the hell is it and why does it keep coming up? thank you [ They said I needed windows 95 or better so I chose linux! ]
Im thinking you have Un-sent email/usenet messages.

Maybe Im wrong though. But thats the only time I see that message.
Alright, I went to micro Outlook. I had that welcome e-mail and shit. I deleted it, so hopefully they will stop coming up now. If they do, ill be sure to post here again. thx

[ They said I needed windows 95 or better so I chose linux! ]
Still having the same problem. What the hell is it?! How do I make it stop?

[ They said I needed windows 95 or better so I chose linux! ]
Delete the messages in your Outlook Express outbox.

Manufacturing metaphores in my melancholy mind.
Manufacturing metaphores in my melancholy mind.
I don''t have any in my out going box.

This little thing that comes up is not a window. It is little thing that apears on the task bar that looks like a minimized window. When I click on it nothing comes up. Within about 10 secs. It goes away...

I wonder what it is..

[ They said I needed windows 95 or better so I chose linux! ]

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