
anyone want to help make games?

Started by March 28, 2002 01:51 AM
2 comments, last by buffylover105 22 years, 11 months ago
hi me and my friends are new to the game world and we intend to build a small company based on the net to build free games for the world! if anyone is intrested please leave a message and your email address and were get in contact. thanx a bunch
Make a (simple) game first. And this really belongs in the Help Wanted forum.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
hi, I''m from Quebec (that''s why my english is bad).

I''m a good VB directx7 programer.
I''m working now on a 3d engine that cast shadow in REAL TIME.
That mean that every lights can move and the shadow will follow. If you want to check it out, send me a ICQ message, and I will send it to you. ( not the codes, sorry )

You will be surprise that what we can do using VB6 and Directx.

Troa Technologies.

(real time ray tracing shadow : DK 3d engine)
ho, and I''m realy good in 3d studio 4. For making 3d units or things like that.
If you want some help for your game. I can write some functions for you in c++ (just give me the variable to be past in parameter and want you want the function do). That can save you some time.

Troa Technologies.

(real time ray tracing shadow : DK 3d engine)

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