
Texture Environment

Started by March 26, 2002 07:50 PM
11 comments, last by tSG 22 years, 11 months ago
Yann L: yes, I have an nVidia card but if I know it correctly GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 also doesn''t provide a arg0*arg1*arg2 function. Just an arg0*arg1+arg2*arg3 which is not suitable for me.
-- tSG --
How many texture units do you have available for that operation ? Or better: what is the final equation you want to achieve, considering all texture units ? Some equations just can''t be done on a single combiner unit.

/ Yann
I think 2 because my gf2mx supports 2 texture units in hw... And I would like to use both units with different texturemap and with different "visibility factor". I have thought about more passes also but I can't reach the texture*primarycolor*factor multiply. If I also wanna fogging...

ps: please write to the email address because I won't be in the near of the internet in the next 3.5 days and I don't want to miss your reply! Thanks in advance

ps2: so the general equation is:
texture*previoustexture(at unit0=primarycolor)*factor
and each different texture unit should have a different factor...

[edited by - tSG on March 29, 2002 5:49:16 PM]
-- tSG --

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