
Teen programmer...just some rambling....

Started by February 27, 2000 12:26 AM
30 comments, last by yeldarB 25 years ago
I just stumbled onto this site while surfing the net at 1 in the morning (drank two liters of soda earlier) looking for some programming info. I have to say it''s a great site, very professional and easy to navigate. But anyway, I was wondering how long and hard/easy it was for you all to learn to program at what I assume is a very good level after glancing around the sight. I''m not someone who just wants to make a killer game. I want to actually learn C/C++ as much as I can. I have a couple books, Windows Game Programming for Dummies and a C++ book that came with my cheapo compiler (Borland C++ 4.52, cost 10 bucks, hehe). I really don''t have much money, saving up for car by working my minimum wage job :-) Ah well, the caffiene (spelled correctly?) is wearing off and I am getting tired, so I guess that about raps it up. I look forward to someday being able to post helpful information and tips to "newbies" when I am more experienced. Thanks for reading and I''ll see ya later. yeldarB. Four words.....I''m an Everquest addict! =)
Four words.....I''m an Everquest addict! =)
I''m 13 years old and have been into C programming for about 2 months now. I don''t have a single book on game programming, I''m self taught. I found it VERY easy to learn how to program (download my unfinished Pacman game at It''s really not that difficult

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I am 15 and I have been programming in C/C++ for 2-3 years. When I was 14 I made myself a wireframe 3d engine in C++. I am also very self-thaught, only have one book and it sucks .
I''m 14 (almost 15, my b-day is March 13th), and I have been C++ programming for about a month now. I haven''t made any games, but I have been learning the various concepts of C++.
As for programming, in your direction, you can''t learn how to program in C using Andre Lamothe''s Dummies book. Well, you might, because the prodogies above say they learned C++ and made games without any references, but if you want to learn C++, but you''re strapped for cash, the internet has a large amount of resources on the internet for programming.

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Ok I am gonna be a little more serious. Most of my knowledge comes from various tutorials from the net. The C knowledge comes from my bad book and some book I found at the library.
People who say they''re completely self-taught can shampoo my crotch.
The C/C++ programming language doesn''t just come to you out of the sky; everyone has to use some kind of reference when they get started, and even pros have to use references sometimes. I started programming when I was 8 and I had help from one book. yeldarB, I recommend getting a good book and checking out articles and source code on the Internet. I think you''ll learn quickly that way.

Good luck,
Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
When people say they''re self taught they usually mean that they found the information themselves instead of taking a class. I doubt anyone just guessed at the keywords till they had the whole language down (well, actually, thats how I learned most of QBASIC, but thats a bad example )

For me, selftaught is when you haven''t taken to any classes or stuff like that. If you''ve read a book or tutorial on the internet or asked any questions to people on the net you''re still selftaugt.

I never said I was completely selftaugt, I just said I don''t have any books on C programming. You know, most compilers come with good help files

But reading a book is always best.

/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
if u dont have a lot of money look into online books and offline browsers(that way u dont have to wait a lot of time for isp login), the links section of this site has a couple of places for FREE online book sites
I am 11 years old and i have programming for about 3 years.
I learned from my brother and books.
I thinks books is the best place to start.

James Bond
James Bond

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