

Started by March 24, 2002 12:32 AM
9 comments, last by Strife 22 years, 6 months ago
Not that we didn''t know this already, but font support SUCKS on UNIX systems. For whatever reason, I can''t seem to add ANY fonts. mkfontdir seems to do nothing. Is anyone aware of any tools that will actually install this shit so I can use other fonts??? rm -rf /bin/laden

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

Wow, that helped a lot, Oluseyi. Thanks!


rm -rf /bin/laden
It depends on what you need the fonts for, are you looking
for prerendered fonts for GL? or are you trying to load fonts
in say an X or GTK application?
Tara Milana - WP Entertainment graphics artist and programmer.
There was an article on slashdot not too long ago about someone that made a decent font. I forget if it was antialiased or not, but on the site they compared it and it did look a lot clearer.
Hitchhiker90"There's one bitch in the world, one bitch with many faces" -- Jay"What are you people, on dope?" -- Mr. Hand
All I want to do is let any application under X be able to see the fonts. I''ve tried using xfstt to get truetype support, but honestly, that''s not too big a deal for me... If I don''t have TT, whoopdeedoo. It''s the Type1 and other UNIX fonts that are really pissing me off because it won''t let me add them for some reason. mkfontdir does nothing! Notheeeng!

Anyway, I just want a wider array of fonts. You know, for the GIMP and other programs.

rm -rf /bin/laden
I dont remember exactly, but you have to have a fonts.dir file in the directory with the fonts and then edit xf86config to have that font directory in it. Then just restart X and you should be good. For ttf fonts, i think you need to do somthing else. As for a toolkit, check maybe there is an app for it.

Your absoultly correct, font support on unix really sucks.
That is exactly what I''m doing, and it still doesn''t work. For example, I downloaded artwiz fonts, and they are in this directory: /usr/X11/lib/fonts/artwiz-fonts.

The contents of fonts.dir:
glisp.pcf.gz glisp
gelly.pcf.gz gelly
edges.pcf.gz edges
glisp-bold.pcf.gz glisp-bold
nu.pcf.gz nu
drift.pcf.gz drift
kates7x14.pcf.gz kates
fkp.pcf.gz fkp
mints-strong.pcf.gz mints-strong
smoothansi.pcf.gz smoothansi
cursor.pcf.gz cursor
vga11x19.pcf.gz vga11x19
cure.pcf.gz cure
aqui.pcf.gz aqui
lime.pcf.gz lime
snap.pcf.gz snap
anorexia.pcf.gz anorexia
mints-mild.pcf.gz mints-mild

A few lines from my /etc/X11/XF86Config file:
Section "Files"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/artwiz-fonts/"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/"

Now what''s wrong with this? By the way, the /usr/X11 directory symlinks to /usr/X11R6, so I don''t see how that could be a problem. I seem to have recalled reading something about xfs (X font server), which, by doing a ps -A does not appear to be running. Should I have it running? If so, why the hell can I see any fonts then? Besides, xfstt doesn''t seem to be doing its job, so why would xfs?

Someone''s gotta have some idea on this... Honestly, I can handle a lot of the other problems of *nix, such as the lack of games, but this is just ridiculous. Fonts are one are that Windows is by far superior to Linux.

rm -rf /bin/laden
Check out xset, it has some stuff that has to do with fonts. Youll have to check the man page though because im not sure exaclty how (somthign liek xset +fp rehash). Also, im pretty sure you ahve to run it as root. I think it rescans the font directories from xf86config and takes note if there are new ones so x can use them. I probobly should have mentioned it before.

Hope that helps.

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