
UT tournament

Started by February 25, 2000 08:33 PM
20 comments, last by firahs 25 years ago
what do you guys think about an all UT tourney. Its fun, and youll have a chance to throw me off my own self-proclaimed thrown. yay or nay, im thinking the next week or so, itll be really fun. Oh, and ill serve on a dual p3 512 megs ram, so dont worry about it, if we get about 10 people ill release server info. And ill like to thank Joe aka EvAcLeAr for the great idea.
hey if you''re really serious about this.. i saw another thread about it too..
i could serve also.
i gots me a pIII 500 on cable.
awesome, if we get enough people you can also server

im on a T3 line, with symmetric ul and dl
so we''ll be better off with that i think
yeah but you'll prolly need all the servers you can get
-i'm assuming that cause there are of the thousands who read this page-

Edited by - shmaLbus on 2/25/00 8:46:06 PM
Sounds like a cool idea. Maybe we can make it a regular event. Pick a date, and we''ll do it.
um..... what about Quake 3 Arena?
I think we should have both UT and Q3 tournaments. I''d personally be very disappointed if we only had Q3 tournaments as I dont have Q3 (and I dont really want it, either ). On the other hand, Q3 players would probably be dissapointed if we only had a UT server. In other words, we should have two servers, one for Q3 and one for UT .

As for the time, I vote we have it friday night. Sunday doesn''t work for everyone, becuase in some places it''s monday. And I don''t think we could have it on saturday or we''d miss out on the great saturday night chats .

Too bad there can''t be a gamedev server that runs 24/7 or something. Geoff deserve a frag or two for kicking people out of the chat so much.
ok, friday, as in this friday, march 3rd i think, 7pm CST

server is (UT, only,, pw gdnet)

some one else can server the Q3.

just keeping the thread alive
i really thought more people would be interested

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