
Console problem - please help!

Started by March 21, 2002 12:13 PM
3 comments, last by nookiepl 22 years, 11 months ago
Hi , i have huge problem (for me of course) i''m trying to implement console, but i''m doing something wrong! header looks like this: ========================================================================= class CConsole { public: CConsole (); ~CConsole (); //update the console, and check for inputs and everything else void Update (float deltatime); //render the console void Render (); //process an input by the user void ProcessInput (int key); //add a line to the history void AddToHistory (char *line); //add a line to the command history void AddToCommandHistory(char *CommandLine); //execute a given command void ExecuteCommand(char *string); //activate/deactivate console void Activate(); void Deactivate(); bool Active; //is console active bool Visible; //is the console visible //get the state of Active flag //bool IsActive(); //get visibility flag //bool IsVisible(); private: float HistoryYPos; //y position of the history window float CommandXPos; //x position of the command line char *History[15]; //all lines displayed on the history window char *CommandHistory[15]; //last 15 commands executed char *CommandLine; //commnad line text int CommandIndex; //index into the command string int CMHistoryIndex; //index into the list of commands int CMHistoryHeight; //how much of the command list has already been filled void SplitString(char string[64], char left[64], char right[64]); }; extern CConsole Console; #endif ============================================================================= and the source file: ============================================================================= CConsole::CConsole() { //initially the console is deactivated HistoryYPos = 800; CommandXPos = 600; Active = false; Visible = false; //clean the command line CommandLine = ""; CommandIndex = 0; CMHistoryIndex = 0; CMHistoryHeight = 0; //clean the history lines for (int i=0; i<15; i++) History = ""; //clean the command history lines for (i=0; i<15; i++) CommandHistory = ""; } //================================================================== // sConsole:<img src="tongue.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>rocessInput //================================================================== void CConsole:<img src="tongue.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>rocessInput(int key) { switch (key) { case VK_TAB: break; case VK_LEFT: break; case VK_RIGHT: break; case VK_CAPITAL: break; case VK_SHIFT: break; case VK_RETURN: { if(strlen(CommandLine)) { //exectue the command ExecuteCommand(CommandLine); //add it to the command history AddToCommandHistory(CommandLine); //clear it CommandLine = ""; //set the index to 0 CommandIndex = 0; //point to the last line in the history CMHistoryIndex = 15; if (CMHistoryHeight<15) CMHistoryHeight++; } break; } case VK_BACK: { if (CommandIndex>0) { //delete the last character CommandIndex–; CommandLine[CommandIndex] = ''\0''; } break; } case VK_UP: { if (CMHistoryIndex > 15-CMHistoryHeight) { //move up in the history index CMHistoryIndex–; //get the the command from the history CommandLine = CommandHistory[CMHistoryIndex]; //set the position of the cursor CommandIndex = strlen(CommandHistory[CMHistoryIndex]); } break; } case VK_DOWN: { if (CMHistoryIndex < 14) { //move down in the history index CMHistoryIndex++; //get the the command from the history CommandLine = CommandHistory[CMHistoryIndex]; //set the position of the cursor CommandIndex = strlen(CommandHistory[CMHistoryIndex]) - 1; } break; } default: { if (CommandIndex < 57) //If not outside the command line { //add the character to the command CommandLine[CommandIndex] = (char)key; CommandLine[CommandIndex+1] = ''\0''; CommandIndex++; } break; } } } ================================================================================ Of course it''s not a whole source file - i''ve missed all renderidng stuff etc. When i run my app, i push te TAb key (to run console) and it shows, but when i''m trying to type something the prog crushes (it compiles witout any errors) with information -unhandled exception!!! When i run the debugger, VS6 shows error in line: CommandLine[CommandIndex] = (char)key; In this line i''m trying to catch the key that was pushed - but program crushes ! Whaaat i''m doing wrong ? Wrong initializing of my "CommandLine" varible or what ?? If somebody could help - somehow, i''d be greatful! Maybe YOU have better implementation and you want it to share it ?? <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>) </i>
You have char *CommandLine;
and then initialize it as CommandLine = ""; that only allocates space for the /0, if you try to access anyting else it will crash, so you either put a limite like CommandLine[128] or alloc space for it at runtime.
I think your CommandLine init is indeed wrong.

You declare it as :
char *CommandLine; //commnad line text

then init it in the constructor as
CommandLine = "";

Which sets the CommandLine ptr to point to an array of char[1], just the null char. Therefore, when you try to write to CommandLine[x] and x is anything larger than 0, you''re writing out of bounds.

You need to init CommandLine to point to c char[57] (I think 57 is your limit) with a
CommandLine = new char[57];

or similar.
Yeah, whoops, you need your limit to be 58, as you max out at 57 chars but append a ''/0'' to the end manually -- you''ll need room for that too
Big thanx!
You''ve got right, it was bad initializing of CommandLine !!

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