
Drawing Polygons?

Started by March 19, 2002 01:57 PM
5 comments, last by CondiS 22 years, 11 months ago
hello i'm doing a 3d engine just for fun on my spare time ( wich is not much ) with my friends but i'm having trouble with framerate! It's not high enough, with a floor and a 6 sided cube with texture i get about 150fps if i'm close else about 600! this is my structure for holding the variables of the map! struct map_info { private: public: float Starting_Point[3]; int Starting_Direction; int num_polygons; int num_textures; char *texture_files[10]; float Polygon[100][4][5]; int Polygon_Texture[100]; }; and here i load my map! int map::Load_Map() { short int polygon_temp; new_map = true; FILE *bana; bana = fopen("data/maps/map1.txt", "rt"); rewind(bana); fscanf(bana, "Starting_Point %f %f %f /n", ↦_info.Starting_Point[0], ↦_info.Starting_Point[1], ↦_info.Starting_Point[2]); fscanf(bana, "Starting_Direction %f /n", ↦_info.Starting_Direction); fscanf(bana, "Polygons %i /n", ↦_info.num_polygons); fscanf(bana, "Textures %i /n", ↦_info.num_textures); for(int loop=0; loop < map_info.num_polygons; loop++) { fscanf(bana, " /n"); fscanf(bana, "Polygon %i /n", &polygon_temp); fscanf(bana, "Texture %i /n", ↦_info.Polygon_Texture[loop]); fscanf(bana, "Vertex %f %f %f %f %f /n", ↦_info.Polygon[loop][0][0], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][0][1], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][0][2], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][0][3], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][0][4]); fscanf(bana, "Vertex %f %f %f %f %f /n", ↦_info.Polygon[loop][1][0], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][1][1], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][1][2], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][1][3], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][1][4]); fscanf(bana, "Vertex %f %f %f %f %f /n", ↦_info.Polygon[loop][2][0], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][2][1], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][2][2], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][2][3], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][2][4]); fscanf(bana, "Vertex %f %f %f %f %f /n", ↦_info.Polygon[loop][3][0], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][3][1], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][3][2], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][3][3], ↦_info.Polygon[loop][3][4]); } Texture[0] = texture_load.BMP("data/textures/textur1.bmp"); Texture[1] = texture_load.BMP("data/textures/textur2.bmp"); return 0; //return 0, there was no errors } and here i draw my map! int map::Draw_Map() { for(int loop = 0; loop < map_info.num_polygons; loop++) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture[map_info.Polygon_Texture[loop]]); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glTexCoord2f(map_info.Polygon[loop][0][3], map_info.Polygon[loop][0][4]); glVertex3f(map_info.Polygon[loop][0][0], map_info.Polygon[loop][0][1], map_info.Polygon[loop][0][2]); glTexCoord2f(map_info.Polygon[loop][1][3], map_info.Polygon[loop][1][4]); glVertex3f(map_info.Polygon[loop][1][0], map_info.Polygon[loop][1][1], map_info.Polygon[loop][1][2]); glTexCoord2f(map_info.Polygon[loop][2][3], map_info.Polygon[loop][2][4]); glVertex3f(map_info.Polygon[loop][2][0], map_info.Polygon[loop][2][1], map_info.Polygon[loop][2][2]); glTexCoord2f(map_info.Polygon[loop][3][3], map_info.Polygon[loop][3][4]); glVertex3f(map_info.Polygon[loop][3][0], map_info.Polygon[loop][3][1], map_info.Polygon[loop][3][2]); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } return 0; //return 0, there was no errors } i'm pretty new to OpenGL but not to new to c++, but i wonder if anyone can help me with a link or telling me right here how i can improve framerate, BTW i'm using NeheGL. Thanks in advance! Edited by - CondiS on March 19, 2002 3:01:00 PM
I''m starting too and have a similar problem. The first problem you have it you are drawing everying in the level regardless of whether or not you see it. Most indoor games use levels made of sectors, and the openings between these sectors are used to define what parts of the level outside the sector you''re in can be seen. Though obviously OpenGL doesn''t draw polygons that can''t be seen on the screen, you are still sending that information to opengl and it has to process it. If you figure out what doesn''t need to be draw youself it''s much faster. The other thing that slows your engine down is your used of polygons. You should be able to draw at least your floor with triangles strips, which are much faster than polygons. You can probably use strips for much of your level.
Brad, the FPS change when he''s ''close'' means that this is a fillrate issue, not anything that triangle strips is going to help.

What kind of video card are you using, CondiS? 150 fps seems pretty good to me...
i have tried triangle strip but it didnt speed it up more than 2 fps =(, but i''m going to follow onw of your ideas =)
finding what polygons to draw and not can''t be that difficult =)
se you later have a lot to do on my engine
i'm using a Geforce2 GTS 64MB ddr on a AMD XP 1700+ with 256MB ddr memory

[edited by - CondiS on March 19, 2002 3:25:56 PM]
Possibly could be due to texture size, if they''re very large. Are u using mipmaps?

also compressing textures will help a great deal if it''s a fill rate issue (which is what it sounds like)

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