
Stupid mistakes - Am I the only one ?

Started by February 24, 2000 01:20 PM
7 comments, last by Sleepwalker 25 years ago
Hello World! I just wanted to know if anyone else has problems with making _st00pid_ mistakes while programming... Recently I made some code. When I actually made it work, I commented out a conditonal error message because it was obsolete, like this: if(FAILED(someRoutine())) //{ //Error(); //} anotherRoutine; What I totally overlooked is that the Routine after that was virtually never called, because the routine in front of it (un)fortunately worked. #-) My Question: Am I just having a personal genetic defect or do other people have similar problems? Help! or I''m gonna go crazy someday... - Sleepwalker
- Sleepwalker
Heh, I think just about every programmer makes mistakes like that . For instance, I almost always forget semi-colons after class declarations. Fortunately, usually it''s pretty easy to catch those types of mistakes.

Dont worry a bit. I am just a beginning programmer and I have made more sensative mistakes than you can shake a stick at.

- Moe -
I think every programmer, newbee or not, makes that kind of mistakes.
I had a joystick program, but it wouldn''t work. In the end I found out that I''d forgot to enter the array index after the variable. Like array[10], I just typed array.
These mistakes can take days of thinking what you did wrong in your code.
I''ve been doing this for a long time now, even the most seasoned coders make silly mistakes.

The really bad mistakes are the ones where you make a really stupid mistake that stops you're program from working, but not from compiling. It can take days to find it, and when you do you feel like killing yourself 'cause its soooo goddamn obvious!!!!ARGHH

Happens to me all the time.

One solution is to get a friend who programs in the same language, if you have a problem that's really bugging you, give the code to him to look at. Very often he/she will find the problem in thirty seconds flat.

One problem with this is that he'll think you're a total idiot.


"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

Edited by - GEo on 2/29/00 5:20:04 AM

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
I know i make mistakes . Most of my mistakes are in mistyping words like description. But, I''ve made some REALLY weird mistakes.
The only way to never make programations mistakes : Never program anything!

So if you want to program...well making errors is normal.
My favorite thing to do is to either put a semicolon at the end of an if statement:
if (some_condition);
...and then wonder why it always triggers. Hmm?

Or put an assignment inside the damn if:
if (a = 10)
cout << "Hey, a isn''t supposed to equal 10!";

I''ve been programming for (taking off shoes) 12 years or so. It actually does get a little better as you go on, but you never stop making stupid mistakes.

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