
Books... argh

Started by March 16, 2002 12:50 PM
5 comments, last by GarlandIX 22 years, 11 months ago
Ok, I have a fairly decent knowledge of the basics of C++ and i have been learning a lot from TOTWGPG, but ive decided to try and increase my knowledge of C/C++. Now I have a limited budget and I have been trying to decide between getting "The C Programming Language" by K&R, or getting "C++ the Complete Reference". Since I can only afford one, and I can't make up my mind, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about these books and which would be a better choice for where I am. ------------------------------ If someone asks you "A penny for your thoughts" and you put your two cents in, do you get change? Edited by - GarlandIX on March 16, 2002 1:57:14 PM
------------------------------BASIC programmers don't die, they just GOSUB and don't return.
Firstly, make your mind up. Do you want to learn C or C++? They are 2 different languages that provide very different ways of solving similar problems. My personal recommendation would be to learn C++, and to use the book Accelerated C++ as a guide. If you really do aspire to becoming a good C++ programmer, you need to know about the STL, templates, defining ADTs, automatic memory management and the like. This book has it all. If you want a reference book, then it should be The C++ Programming Language 3rd edition.
It should be noted that The C++ Programming Language third edition is written by Bjarne Stroustrup and can be found for free online in pdf format from one of his websites. I seem to have misplaced the link but it shouldnt be to hard to find. It really is a good book, but like SabreMan said, use it only asa reference. It wasn''t designed for learning.
I highly recommend Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel. This book is truly a masterpiece, just look it up on Amazon to read the reviews. The best part is, he released it for free on the internet! Grab it here

Original post by wild_pointer
It should be noted that The C++ Programming Language third edition is written by Bjarne Stroustrup and can be found for free online in pdf format from one of his websites.

If you find an online version, then it''s illegal.
Thinking in C++ is the bomb. Just download it. The best exercise I could suggest is to do every exercise in the whole book. Then you will be ready to program games.
I''d go with ''Accelerated C++'', especially after reading TOTWGPG.

You''ll need it.

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