Nehe's Visual Basic Lesson 6 coversion by Peter De Tagyos
The Visual Basic Lesson 6 coversion by Peter De Tagyos. He made it possible for OpenGL to download a picture from a picture box instead of load a file in hard driver. I need to know how to reload texture mapping for OpenGL when any change made in picture box like refresh or runtime method in VB. Can you please help me with that?
To be honest I always imagined that the loading from a picture box was a bit cheesy. Try downloading my port of the lesson on quadratics and see how I load images from hard disk without any ActiveX controls. The code is quite similar to the original NeHe code too. You should have no trouble following the tutorial and referring to my code.
-------- E y e .Scream Software --------
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-------- E y e .Scream Software --------
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Thank you for the quadrics tutorial. It has some valuable source code in it. I played with it little bit and suddenly it won''t work. The modification I did was:
bmpdata = LoadBMP "form3.image1.picture"
it did work but for some reason openGL read it as it was a raw file or other type of picture format as it did not show the picture very clearly. Any suggestion?
bmpdata = LoadBMP "form3.image1.picture"
it did work but for some reason openGL read it as it was a raw file or other type of picture format as it did not show the picture very clearly. Any suggestion?
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